
The cycle dates below are for applying to the School of Nursing.  Two applications are required (one for 赌博平台 and one for the School of Nursing). 我们建议通过ApplyTexas申请.并在学期开始前至少六周向赌博平台本科招生部提交正式成绩单.  记得向其他机构的本科招生部门提交所有官方成绩单,在那里你获得了所需的先决条件和核心课程学分.  一旦循环开启, 通过适当的申请系统申请护理学院,并按照以下步骤申请护理学院.
The BSN(Generic) Program offers 2 admission cycles per year 
(Spring and Fall).
Approximately 80-90 students are accepted each admission cycle.
The Second Degree BSN Program offers 3 admission cycles per year
Approximately 40 students are accepted each admission cycle.
  • 通用BSN应用周期
    Spring 2025 Fall 2025 Spring 2026

    Application Opens:

    May 01, 2024


    May 31, 2024


    Application Opens:

    December 01, 2024


    December 31, 2024

    Application Opens:

    May 01, 2025


    May 31, 2025


    Last Week of Sep. 2024 2025年5月的最后一周 Last Week of Sep. 2025
    " 周期的开始和结束日期可能会有所变化."
  • 第二学位BSN申请周期
    Spring 2025 Summer 2025 Fall 2025

    Application Opens:

    June 01, 2024


    June 30, 2024

    Application Opens:

    September 01, 2024


    October 31, 2024

    Application Opens:

    December 01, 2024


    January 31, 2025


    Last Week of Sep. 2024 Last Week of Jan. 2025 2025年5月的最后一周

    " 周期的开始和结束日期可能会有所变化."

    提交申请的截止日期为护理cas东部标准时间(EST) 11:59(不是中部时间). 

    The Deadline to submit your NursingCAS application is before 10:59 Central Time (CT) if you reside in that Time Zone.

  • RN-BSN应用周期
    Spring 2025 Summer 2025

    Application Opens:

    August 8, 2024


    December 20, 2024

    Application Opens:

    December 21, 2024


    April 17, 2025

How to Apply

All School of Nursing BSN applicants must apply or reapply to 赌博平台 via applytexas.org and be accepted to the university before applying to the BSN Program.  我们建议您至少在开学前六周向赌博平台本科招生部门申请并提交官方成绩单.   在继续步骤2之前,您必须确保您有您的赌博平台电子邮件地址.


欲了解更多关于如何申请赌博平台大一新生的信息,请访问:Transfer, International, 2nd degree student, etc. see 本科招生.

  • 我校在读学生:  

Go to step 2 if your 赌博平台 application is up to date. 

  • Currently enrolled 赌博平台 students in their last term, can reapply during their last term after applying for graduation.  You do not need to wait until you graduate to reapply.
  • New students:访问本科招生和审查”How to Apply” to 赌博平台.
  • Re-admit students如果您是前赌博平台或UT泛美/UTB/TSC学生仍在寻求您的第一个学士学位,则您是重新录取申请人, 即使你在上次参加赌博平台或UTPA/UTB/TSC后已经注册了另一所学院或大学.  访问本科招生和审查 “How to Re-apply” to 赌博平台.
  • 第二学位学生 (those with a bachelor’s degree):  如果你之前已经获得了学士学位,那么你可以查看一下“第二学位学生以及如何获得第二个学士学位.   Important:  选择应用德州大学护理学学士学位(第二学位). 
  • 完成您的赌博平台申请后 并被赌博平台接受, 通过TK20填写并提交护理学院申请(仅适用于BSN申请人).


  • BSN Generic和RN to BSN申请人可登录 赌博平台 TK20 一旦循环打开. 
    • Use your 赌博平台 sign-on credentials (your 赌博平台 email and password).  
    • If your 赌博平台 sign-on credentials do not work, create an applicant account in TK20 using your  email by clicking Admissions and then “点击这里创建您的帐户.”. 
    • See detailed TK20 instructions 用于创建TK20帐户

  • 2nd Degree BSN applicants only utilize the NursingCAS application service.
  • Important:  赌博平台护理学院还要求您向NursingCAS提交一套正式成绩单, 包括你参加过的每一所学院或大学的官方赌博平台成绩单.  建议以电子方式提交. See NursingCAS 成绩单提交 instructions.
  • 第一次申请的费用为60美元,在同一护理cas周期内提交的其他申请的费用为45美元.  有关更多费用信息,请参阅NursingCAS.   NursingCAS also offer a limited number of fee waivers. 这不是一个赌博平台费用减免计划,所以如果你有任何问题,请联系NursingCAS.


  • 赌博平台护理学院要求申请人在申请时填写完整的成绩单. 你需要输入所有的课程作业, some may require that you enter only prerequisite coursework Read the full instructions on completing Transcript Entry in the Applicant Help Center.


你的申请和材料必须有 “complete” (all materials received and pending verification) or “verified” status by NursingCAS for the 赌博平台 School of Nursing to review your application.

  • 申请人有责任定期在护理cas监控其申请和申请材料的状态. Verified status is required to have your application processed and considered.
  • 如果申请不完整或文件丢失,NursingCAS不会通知申请人.
  • 只有在截止日期前“完整”或“验证”状态的申请和申请材料才会被赌博平台护理学院审查. Verification status must be received for an application to be processed.  收到正式成绩单并准确完成护理cas申请上的课程输入后,大约需要10个工作日才能提供验证状态.
    • 申请人必须符合赌博平台护理学院的最低申请标准要求,才能被护理学院考虑和排名,即使他们被NursingCAS标记为完成或认证.  
  • Contact NursingCAS if you have any questions related to your Verification status.
  • 欲知更多有关 application status, please visit the 护理cas申请人帮助中心.
  • To determine your eligibility to apply to the BSN program, you must ensure that all your official transcripts have been submitted for 你所上的每一所学院或大学,在那里你获得了要求的63个学分的先决条件和核心课程 to 本科招生
  • Important: 成绩单上的成绩单注释不能用于确定您的成绩单是否转移到赌博平台或您是否符合BSN计划的要求.  因此,您必须提交您获得学分的机构的官方成绩单.  Undergraduate Admission will evaluate your credits for transfer to 赌博平台.


  • Important:   将所有官方成绩单提交给赌博平台本科招生部门,对于确定您是否缺少任何成绩单或确定您是否需要替换63个必修课程中的任何一个学分至关重要.   Unofficial transcripts are not evaluated by 本科招生.  See BSN Roadmap 为63学分的先决条件.
  • 赌博平台不接受来自Study的学分.com.
  • 所有护理学院的申请人必须确保所有必需的信息和文件, 包括有效的HESI分数 (语法、词汇、阅读理解、数学、解剖学和生理学、批判性思维),  are 上传并提交到申请系统 before the application cycle closes or your application will be incomplete.
  • Note: Critical Thinking is on a separate score sheet.

  • Expired HESI scores are not accepted or considered.  
  • Late HESI scores are not accepted after the cycle closing.   
  • See HESI FAQs 欲知更多资料.