Institutional Policies

The 赌博平台 disability accommodation, 所有教学大纲都要求必修课程评估声明和性行为不端声明. Additional policy statements are optional, such as those covering attendance, academic integrity, and course drop policies.

Students With Disabilities

Required on all syllabi. Do not modify.

Students with a documented disability (physical, psychological, learning, 或其他影响学习成绩的残疾),希望获得合理的学习便利,请联系 Student Accessibility Services (SAS) for additional information.  为了使住宿申请被考虑批准,学生必须使用 mySAS portal located at 赌博平台.edu/mySAS 并负责向SAS提供有关残疾的充分文件. Students are required to participate in an interactive discussion, or an intake appointment, with SAS staff. Accommodations may be requested at any time but are not retroactive, meaning they are valid once approved by SAS. Please contact SAS early in the semester/module for guidance. Students who experience a broken bone, severe injury, or undergo surgery may also be eligible for temporary accommodations.

Pregnancy, Pregnancy-related, and Parenting Accommodations

1972年的教育修正案第九条禁止性别歧视, which includes discrimination based on pregnancy, marital status, or parental status. Students seeking accommodations related to pregnancy, pregnancy-related condition, 或育儿(合理的产后期间),鼓励申请 Student Accessibility Services using the following link: Pregnancy Accommodations Request Form

Student Accessibility Services

Brownsville Campus: Student Accessibility Services is located in 1.电话:(956)882-7374或电子邮件

Edinburg Campus: 学生无障碍服务位于108大学中心(EUCTR),可以通过电话(956)665-7005或通过电子邮件联系

Mandatory Course Evaluation Period

Required on all syllabi. Do not modify.

Students are required to complete an ONLINE evaluation of this course, accessed through your 赌博平台 account (; you will be contacted through email with further instructions.  完成评估的学生将优先获得他们的成绩. Online evaluations will be available on or about:

Spring 2024 Course Evaluation Period
Semester Date Range
Module 1 February 21 - 27, 2024
Module 2 April 17-23, 2024
Full Spring Semester April 10 - May 1, 2024

For more information, please visit the Student Course Evaluations website.

Sexual Misconduct and Mandatory Reporting

Required on all syllabi. Do not modify.

In accordance with UT System regulations, 根据教育法第九章的规定,你的教师是一名“负责任的员工”,因此必须向学校报告 Office of Title IX & Equal Opportunity ( any instance, occurring during a student's time in college, of sexual misconduct, which includes sexual assault, stalking, dating violence, domestic violence, and sexual harassment, about which she/he becomes aware during this course through writing, discussion, or personal disclosure. More information can be found at 赌博平台.edu/otixeo, including confidential resources available on campus. The faculty and staff of 赌博平台 actively strive to provide a learning, working, and living environment that promotes personal integrity, civility, and mutual respect that is free from sexual misconduct, discrimination, and all forms of violence. If students, faculty, or staff would like confidential assistance, or have questions, they can contact OVAVP (Office for Victim Advocacy & Violence Prevention ) at (956) 665-8287, (956) 882-8282, or


Recommended on all syllabi; may be modified by the instructor as long as it is consistent with 赌博平台 policy.

学生应该参加所有预定的课程,如果旷课过多,可能会被退学. 赌博平台的出勤政策允许参加官方赞助的大学活动的学生上课, such as athletics; have been provided such an accommodation by Student Accessibility Services (SAS); for observance of religious holy days; or for military service. 学生应提前与导师联系,安排补课或考试.

Scholastic Dishonesty

Recommended on all syllabi.

Members of the 赌博平台 community uphold the 赌博平台 Honor Code’s 在我们的交往和关系中分享诚实、正直和相互尊重的价值观.  In this regard, academic integrity is fundamental in our actions, 因为任何不诚实的行为都与学术成就和诚实正直的价值观相冲突.  Violations of academic integrity include, but are not limited to: cheating, plagiarism (including self-plagiarism), and collusion; submission for credit of any work or materials that are attributable in whole or in part to another person; taking an examination for another person; any act designed to give unfair advantage to a student; or the attempt to commit such acts (Board of Regents Rules and Regulations, STU 02-100, and 赌博平台 Academic Integrity Guidelines). 所有违反学术诚信的行为将通过以下方式报告给学生权利和责任 赌博平台s Report It.

Course Drops

Recommended on all syllabi; may be modified by the instructor as long as it is not inconsistent with 赌博平台 policy.

According to 赌博平台 policy, 在正式退课日期之前,学生可以在不受处罚的情况下退课,成绩为DR(退课). 在该日期之后,学生必须被分配一个字母等级,并且不能再退课. 考虑退课的学生应该了解“三连学”和“六连学”规则,这样他们就能意识到退课对学业成就的影响. 6 drop rule指的是德克萨斯州的法律,规定本科生在本科生涯中不得放弃超过6门课程. 在德克萨斯州其他公立高等教育机构放弃的课程将计入六门课程的退学限制. “三连制”是指第三次上同一门课的学生要支付额外的费用.

Student Services

Recommended on all syllabi.

在支付大学费用方面,有经济需求的学生有多种选择, such as scholarships, grants, loans and work-study. 学生应访问学生服务中心(U Central)获取更多信息. U Central is located in BMAIN 1.100 (Brownsville) or ESSBL 1.145 (Edinburg) or can be reached by email ( or telephone: (956) 882-4026. 除了经济援助,中央大学还可以帮助学生注册和入学.

在学习中寻求学术帮助的学生除了可以利用教师的办公时间外,还可以利用大学的资源. University Resources include the Advising Center, Career Center, Counseling Center, Learning Center, and Writing Center. The centers provide services such as tutoring, writing help, counseling services, critical thinking, study skills, degree planning, and student employment. In addition, services such as the Food Pantry are also provided. Locations are listed below. 

Student Support Services
Center Name Brownsville Campus Edinburg Campus Email Address
Advising Center BMAIN 1.400
(956) 665-7120
(956) 665-7120
Career Center BINAB 1.105
(956) 882-5627
ESSBL 2.101
(956) 665-2243
Counseling Center BSTUN 2.10
(956) 882-3897
(956) 665-2574
Food Pantry BCAVL 101 & 102
(956) 882-7126
(956) 665-3663
Learning Center BMSLC 2.118
(956) 882-8208
(956) 665-2585
Writing Center BLIBR 3.206
(956) 882-7065
ESTAC 3.119
(956) 665-2538

Student Confidentiality (FERPA)

The  Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) 是否有联邦法律保护学生教育记录的隐私,从而使家长或符合条件的学生有权检查和审查学生的教育记录, and the right to request that a school correct records, 学校必须得到家长或符合条件的学生的书面许可,才能公布学生教育记录中的任何信息.

More information about FERPA.

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如需疑问、帮助或报告问题,请联系COLTT帮助台 956-665-5327 or 956-882-6792.

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